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The Parenting Time Calendar Single Month Printout

Examine/Print Overnight Stays and Day Visits for a Single Month

The Parenting Time Calendar allows you to print a single page of your parenting plan. This may be useful if you make a minor change to an overnight stay or a day visit such as changing a pick up time or drop off time for a particular date or perhaps moving an overnight stay or day visit to a different date on the same month. The single month printout can also be saved as an image file to your hard drive in either bitmap or jpeg format (for emailing) to all interested parties.

Each marked calendar day shows abbreviated text for overnight stays and day visits (as much as will fit within a day box) along with pick up and drop off times if specified.   Overnight stays are represented by the days colored that are completely filled with the overnight color. Day visits are represented by the small bars colored with the day visit color. Days without either an overnight or day visit are colored with the primary care giver's (custodial) color. All colors are determined by the choice of colors made on the "Preferences" form when the calendar was created (or subsequently changed).

New Feature  You can create, work, save, and email your calendars in color then optionally print your calendars in black and white to save costly ink.

Note: To print out a current month of your child's visitation plan you will need a Windows(TM) compatible, graphics capable printer.

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